
Where Marketing and Sales Meet Academic Excellence.

EduCondor: Our Services

Digital Marketing & Enrollment Growth

  • Paid Media (SEM)
  • SEO
  • E-mailing Marketing
  • CRM management
  • Account Based Marketing
  • Digital Analytics 

Content Creation

  • Content Creation (Video/Photos) for digital channels
  • Copywriting  for Web and blog.
  • Social media management

Branding and Web Design

  • Branding & Repositioning
  • Website Design, Messaging,  development and Experience (UX)
  • Owned and Earned Media

Our Story

Founded in 2018, we’re a team of 70 professionals committed to transforming higher education through digital marketing expertise. 

Proudly ranked 448th on the Inc. 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America and 33rd in marketing, our mission is to catalyze growth by connecting learners with transformative experiences through creative, targeted, and measurable digital marketing and sales strategies.

Meet Our Edu Expert

  • Unique profile with 15 years of experience, combining Commercial and Academic expertise within the Education arena.
  • One of the youngest Vice-Deans worldwide. Currently, VD at IE Business School, top ranked university that has the largest Marketing and Sales team.
  • Former Head of Sales at IE, achiving an average of 30% of annual growth for 10 years in a row.
  • Advisory Board Member of other universities and K-12 schools.
  • Founder and Columnist of a new Education section for Forbes.

Education Industry: We Get You, We Feel You

Your Challenges:

  • Low Enrollment Rates
  • Lead Generation Difficulties
  • Students long sales cycles / Seasonality
  • Limited Brand Recognition and Differentiation
  • Student Retention Issues and Alumni Disconnection
  • Lack of Thought Leadership
  • Gap between the Academic offer and Marketing initiatives
  • Limited Budgets allocated to Marketing initiatives with small marketing internal teams

Our Solutions:

  • Boost Student Enrollments
  • Improve Student Retention
  • Strengthen Alumni Engagement
  • Optimize budget  for efficient marketing and sales strategies
  • Establish Thought Leadership
  • Enhance Brand Visibility
  • Strengthen Online Presence

Our Expertise

Branding solutions

Launching and repositioning new Educational organizations.

Digital and Analytical solutions

Digital Marketing strategies: Global, Regional and Local.

Sales solutions

Business Development and Student Recruitment Strategies.

Creative solutions

Digital Content Creation, Web Design and Social Media Management.

Amplify Your Educational Impact with Our Digital Expertise

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